Ads | Oceans to develop and operate the blockchain-based advertising platform

Ads | Oceans planning to develop and operate the blockchain-based advertising platform with DSP, DMP and SSP component.

Current drawbacks of broken digital advertising landscape:
  • - Over the last decade, publishers have lost approximately 60% of their revenue.
  • - In 2016, ad fraud created by bots cost advertisers $7.2 billion and $6.3 billion in 2015.
  • - 40% of the average user’s mobile data is used for ads and trackers.
  • - Users face slow page loads which consumes 21% of mobile battery life.
  • - Google and Facebook, which together claim 73% of digital ad revenue and 99% of all growth, are worsening the situation.

A new platform is needed to properly appreciate user's attention. It must reward and protect the user, while offering better conversion to advertisers and higher revenue to publishers.

  1. - Integration of smaller publishers and advertisers into the advertising trade through the use of smart contracts for ad-exchange management 
  2. - Cross-border transactions through the use of cryptocurrency as a payment instrument 
  3. - Quality control and fraud protection by maintaining itself on consensus-based curation 
 Ads | Oceans's platform with RTB will be developed on blockchain. 

The introduction of this platform will allow publishers, advertisers, and users to connect in a more efficient, transparent and decentralized marketplace that reduces fraud, violations, and malvertisements while increasing publisher ROI.

Ads | Oceans's solution to win back trust in the advertising market would bring millions of advertisers and publishers back into the game. Focus on blockchain to decentralize Real-time bidding (RTB) and thus make it fast, secure and 100% transparent.

This is the complete platform of all future projects aimed at the advertising industry. Ads | Oceans's uses a patented multi-layer blockchain technology to enable efficient execution of 100K+ transactions per second that are essential for RTB.


Ads | Oceans Platform will consists of 3 core modules:
  1. - Blockchain DSP (BDSP), 
  2. - Decentralized DMP (DDMP) and 
  3. - Smart Contract Ad Exchange (SMARTADX) 

All the modules of the platforms will be developed using a unified architecture and shared components, designs, reports and UI models. They will function within a specially crafted virtual machine, which will also be installed at facilities integrate them into our data processing engine.

The data processing engine will be based on technology of high-speed blockchain transactions that allow real-time auctions in a distributed environment. Cryptocurrency are the underlying currency for facilitating transactions on this platform. These cryptocurrency will serve as a universal payment system between publishers, advertisers, service, technology and data providers within the Platform. 

Users will have access to all platform services and can make private contracts to support auctions, data incision, traffic validation, etc.

1 comment:

  1. This crack introduced a novel nutritious rattle from the quality, speedily supplied in a mere home of the facile, nicely IELTS equable. blockchain advertising plan
