What is the future of Publishers and Advertisers: The Results of the discussion at Harvard

At the same time as digital technology was established, readers switched to mobile format and social network, and traditional media tried to make it to them, and the dependence of the journalistic industry on large technological platforms such as Facebook was formed. Today, when such an approach has led to a crisis in the media industry, publishers are looking for ways to regain independence: regaining audience and revenue.

Representatives of the Columbia and Harvard universities organized a conference "The Future of Advertising and Publishers" with the participation of key industry experts to discuss these issues.

For Publishers - More Independence 
Advertisers do not need traditional media as they used to be, because today their potential consumer is easy to find in social networks. Popular are native ads and branded content. In this regard, the discussion participants have suggested that in the future all free content will be supplemented by commercial messages, and all content without advertising will be funded through subscription. Today, despite the fact that many consumers are willing to pay for high-quality content, most still agree to advertise for free access. For example, 75% of Spotify users listen to content free of charge with advertising, give an example report authors. Under such conditions, the crucial issue that may arise in the future will be the need for clear ethical standards on how to submit sponsored material. Paid access can also create problems in terms of public good and public debate. However, these issues need to be studied and discussed in detail.

Privacy and Engagement with the Audience
Another issue confronting both the media and publishers is the privacy of users. Today, the industry works in this way: the more advertising tries to become more effective and audience-oriented, the more it suffers from privacy. According to experts, this will inevitably affect the advertising ecosystem both in the European Union and beyond - since the new regulation will apply to any company that serves citizens and residents of the EU. For a long time, the editorial staff collected and analyzed a variety of information about their audience. Now they will have to look for new ways to balance personalization and privacy, the authors of the report conclude. In the perspective way to ensure privacy, as well as to make the media more independent the browser does not share any personal data with the network. In addition, the site offers a new way of monetization : both through micro-payments of users, and through digital advertising, which is based on BlockChain technology. 

Ad Networking Platform
These Platform companies are focused on trying to improve the revenues returned to publishers, but thought this would be more likely to happen through new subscription of products than through a large rise in advertising revenues.

The detailed report is published here