Ads | Ocean's AdNetwork Solution for digital marketing

Ads Ocean helps deliver targeted ads to premium traffic sites through an online contextual advertising network. Whether you want to advertise or monetize your traffic with us, our platform will reveal the different targeting options, the cost metrics to choose from, and the many ad formats to use; a solution for each business.

- Ads Oceans compared with other Digital Ad Networks

- Excellent reach of Ads Oceans

- Digital Statistics - India

- How Ads Oceans Ad Network Works

- E-stores in India

- Importance of Smartphone in our day-to-day life

- An Interactive SMS process

- Need for Mobile strategy

- Dedicate Management interface for analytics

- How advertisement in Ads Oceans works


Ads | Ocean's Focus region for Ad Network Solutions

As technology began to develop, new payment options were introduced, such as phone payment, SMS and operator billing, Internet banking, prepaid cards, various tokens and coupons

The micropayments handled by the mobile operators were a game changer, so now we can monetize a lot of African or Asians countries, that's something we could only dream of 10 years ago. These regions can be considered the undeveloped country.

Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Rep, Chad, Chile, China (PRC), Comoros, Congo (DRC), Congo, Republic, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Cuba, Curacao, Cyprus, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea, North, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyz Republic, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Macau, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru,Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & The Gren, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, The Gambia, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe


They were in target of online Ad Networks for a very longer time.

1. These countries are more regulated - Ad Networks have already tried tricks in these markets. The governing bodies had to react and introduce quite strict rules. Regulators of undeveloped countries do not know these tricks.

2. The Ad Networks has already operate in developed markets for many years - They have the tools and experience that you do not have.

3. Mature markets attract more branded Ad Networks - There is less chance of competing with the brands, because they are not so results oriented.

4. These markets are saturated - The citizens in the developed countries were on the Internet longer than the rest of the world. They have seen everything now.


These countries are not targeted by online AD Networks for too long. Combine this fact with the available micropayment options and have a winning combination.

These countries continue to grow in regards to the use of the Internet, there are a lot of Internet Virgins who are about to watch their first online porn movie or install the first applications on their new Chinese smartphone that they bought for cheap money These are perfect goals for AD Networks campaigns.

1. The regulations in these regions are nonexistent or low - The regulations are changing slowly, so it can be explored in more ways.

2. Payments on these Countries are low - This drives away mainly large players.

3. The massive volume from these countries is an argument in itself. The countries like Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, India, are developing rapidly, which means a growing audience that is hungry for everything related to the Internet.

4. The traffic in these locations is cheap -  This is one of the most important factors that a new Ad Network should consider. Working with cheap traffic means more data for the same amount of money.


Cost-per-action Model by Ads | Oceans

Ads | Oceans is a new advertising network with cost-per-action business model to advertisers where advertisers only pay for achieved (action) goals. This is very similar to affiliate marketing because the action can be formulated as subscriptions to a newsletter, number of pages visited on the site or actual sales.

Google is also testing this model and Snap has already gained quite a bit of publicity with it. Microsoft live is known to also work on a partner network and context-sensitive ad model like adsense, but not whether they would implement a cost-per-action model.


What possibilities does Mobile In-App Advertising have?

Digital marketers have for years forecasted mobile is the online trend to follow. Now that an era has arrived in which the smartphone is checked on average 150 times a day - together accounting for an average of 3 hours per day - and the average smartphone owner uses 27 apps, it is no surprise that the largest online service providers are also in line for this to adjust or expand their services. Naturally, Google is also among these largest online service providers. Similarly in the area of ​​app advertising.

Here we give an overview for  Mobile In-App Advertising possibilities.


Possibilities In-App Advertising
Advertising opportunities to support mobile apps is divided into three categories:
• Ads focused on mobile app installations .
• Ads focused on mobile app engagement .
• In-app ads.

I) Ads focused on Mobile App Installations
This is the category has the most and therefore has a focus on increasing the number of downloads of a mobile app. Ads in this ad category can be deployed through the search network, the display network and Video network.

II) Ads focused on Mobile App Engagement
In addition to promoting app installations, a mobile app advertiser may benefit from tempting
1) consumers who have already installed an app to use the app or
2) from consumers who are potentially app users based on interest (but app not yet installed). To do this, ads for mobile app engagement are used.

This category also makes it possible for advertisers to allow consumers to land at a specific location within the app. This phenomenon is called deep linking and is primarily intended to keep the user experience as relevant as possible for the consumer. One step further is deferred deep linking, where a particular advertisement for a consumer who has already installed the app leads to point A (the app's download page), while the same advertisement for a consumer who has not yet installed the app leads to point B.

III) In-app Ads
This is the odd one out, not only because of its different category name. In-app advertising is the only advertising category that, as the category name suggests, is exclusively displayed in apps. This is done via a special option in Google's display network.

App extensions on the Search Network
An option that should not be underexposed is the possibility to add an app extension in AdWords search campaigns. Do not confuse these with the above-mentioned app advertising options! In the search network, the following distinction applies:
• App extensions are intended for search advertisements where the emphasis is on the website, but there may be a possibility for clicking to the app, by means of a separate extension.
• App ads on the search network lead directly to the app's download page or to a page within the app.

However, there is also a mobile advertising from Ads | Oceans. We distributes advertising space over the mobile and app ad network. Once ads in the category of in-app ads - display ads deployed in apps within Google Play and iOS App Store - are enabled by an advertiser.

So, why advertise in Mobile Apps?
In a battle to find out more and more about the mobile user, these advertising agencies has provided visits-metric, where physical purchases of online consumers are measured). The expectation is that these advertising opportunities will continue to grow and improve in the coming years!

Finally, the reasons to advertise your App:
• Full attention from the users (focused on the mobile screen)
• Special mobile targeting options
• A fully-fledged place within the cross-media (mobile) marketing strategy
• On average, higher Click-Through Rate (CTRs)
• Average lower Cost Per Click (CPCs)


What is the future of Publishers and Advertisers: The Results of the discussion at Harvard

At the same time as digital technology was established, readers switched to mobile format and social network, and traditional media tried to make it to them, and the dependence of the journalistic industry on large technological platforms such as Facebook was formed. Today, when such an approach has led to a crisis in the media industry, publishers are looking for ways to regain independence: regaining audience and revenue.

Representatives of the Columbia and Harvard universities organized a conference "The Future of Advertising and Publishers" with the participation of key industry experts to discuss these issues.

For Publishers - More Independence 
Advertisers do not need traditional media as they used to be, because today their potential consumer is easy to find in social networks. Popular are native ads and branded content. In this regard, the discussion participants have suggested that in the future all free content will be supplemented by commercial messages, and all content without advertising will be funded through subscription. Today, despite the fact that many consumers are willing to pay for high-quality content, most still agree to advertise for free access. For example, 75% of Spotify users listen to content free of charge with advertising, give an example report authors. Under such conditions, the crucial issue that may arise in the future will be the need for clear ethical standards on how to submit sponsored material. Paid access can also create problems in terms of public good and public debate. However, these issues need to be studied and discussed in detail.

Privacy and Engagement with the Audience
Another issue confronting both the media and publishers is the privacy of users. Today, the industry works in this way: the more advertising tries to become more effective and audience-oriented, the more it suffers from privacy. According to experts, this will inevitably affect the advertising ecosystem both in the European Union and beyond - since the new regulation will apply to any company that serves citizens and residents of the EU. For a long time, the editorial staff collected and analyzed a variety of information about their audience. Now they will have to look for new ways to balance personalization and privacy, the authors of the report conclude. In the perspective way to ensure privacy, as well as to make the media more independent the browser does not share any personal data with the network. In addition, the site offers a new way of monetization : both through micro-payments of users, and through digital advertising, which is based on BlockChain technology. 

Ad Networking Platform
These Platform companies are focused on trying to improve the revenues returned to publishers, but thought this would be more likely to happen through new subscription of products than through a large rise in advertising revenues.

The detailed report is published here


Ukraine - Ad Network & Internet business

The state of development of the Internet in Ukraine and in the world;

Place Internet & Ad Networks in the information space of Ukraine According to the Law of Ukraine "On the main measures for the development of the information society in Ukraine for 2007-2015", one of the main priorities of the development of the national segment of the Internet network is the construction of a people-centered, open for all, and aimed at the development of an information society in which everyone could create and accumulate information and knowledge, to have free access to them, to use and exchange them, to give every person the opportunity to fully realize his potential, to promote social development, improve the quality of life. Thus, the national segment of the Internet in Ukraine becomes a necessary step for joining the Unified World Information Space. The Internet Association of Ukraine (InAU, acts on the part of providers and other Internet market participants.

The number of Ukrainian segment of the Internet in July 2010, according to the data, reached more than 16.7 million unique users per month. According to other data, the level of coverage of the population of Ukraine by the Internet is more than 33%, which is one of the lowest rates in Europe. Nevertheless, Ukraine ranks 9th among the countries of Europe by the number of Internet users (Table 1.1).

Ukrainian Internet consumers account for more than 3.2% of all Internet users in Europe. According to statistics, 40% of this number of users have their own access to the Internet or constantly use the services of the Internet. Of these, almost 55% falls on the Kyiv region (Kyiv and Kyiv region). More than 30% of users belong to major cities and regions of Ukraine, such as Odessa, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Lviv, Crimea, Lugansk.

Comparison of Internet usage in European countries
Europe Population ( for 2009 ) Number of Internet users Coverage (% of population) Growth rates (2000-2010) Percentage of users in Europe
1 2 3 4 5 6
Germany 82,282,988 65,123,800 79.10% 171.30% 13.70%
Russia 139,390,205 59,700,000 42.80% 1825.80% 12.60%
UK 62,348,447 51,442,100 82.50% 234.00% 10.80%
France 64,768,389 44,625,300 68.90% 425.00% 9.40%
Turkey 77,804,122 35,000,000 45.00% 1650.00% 7.40%
Italy 58,090,681 30,026,400 51.70% 127.50% 6.30%
Spain 46,505,963 29,093,984 62.60% 440.00% 6.10%
Poland 38,463,689 22,450,600 58.40% 701.80% 4.70%
Ukraine 45,415,596 15,300,000 33.70% 7550.00% 3.20%
Netherlands 16,783,092 14,872,200 88.60% 281.30% 3.10%
Sweden 9,074,055 8,397,900 92.50% 107.50% 1.80%
Belgium 10,423,493 8,113,200 77.80% 305.70% 1.70%
Romania 21,959,278 7,786,700 35.50% 873.30% 1.60%
Czech Republic 10,201,707 6,680,800 65.50% 568.10% 1.40%
Hungary 9,992,339 6,176,400 61.80% 763.80% 1.30%
Austria 8,214,160 6,143,600 74.80% 192.60% 1.30%
Switzerland 7,623,438 5,739,300 75.30% 168.90% 1.20%
Portugal 10,735,765 5,168,800 48.10% 106.80% 1.10%
Greece 10,749,943 4,970,700 46.20% 397.10% 1.00%
Denmark 5,515,575 4,750,500 86.10% 143.60% 1.00%
Finland 5,255,695 4,480,900 85.30% 132.50% 0.90%
Belarus 9,612,632 4,436,800 46.20% 2364.90% 0.90%
Norway 4,676,305 4,431,100 94.80% 101.40% 0.90%
Lithuania 3,545,319 2,103,471 59.30% 834.90% 0.40%
Latvia 2,217,969 1,503,400 67.80% 902,3% 0.30%
Estonia 1,291,170 969,700 75.10% 164.50% 0.20%
Total 803,850,858 425,773,571 53.00% 305.10% 100.00%


Growing Satoshi’s Dream: Getting Crypto into Venues While Avoiding Big Credit Card Companies

A Different Approach to Real-world Adoption

Maybe you’ve heard of cryptocurrency point of sale (POS) systems like the TenX & Monaco cards and thought they were the future of getting crypto in brick and mortar shops. Well, they still rely on Visa and other big name credit card companies to function.

While companies like these are still a step in the right direction for the mass-adoption of crypto, some POS systems take it one step further and put Bitcoin directly in the hands of merchants. They eliminate the need for credit card companies – one of Satoshi’s original dreams for Bitcoin. Who are they? Let’s find out.

POS Systems

These systems facilitate the peer-to-peer transaction of cryptocurrency without the need of big credit card corporations like Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. Some offer the option to integrate credit cards but also have the option to use the POS systems without them. Keep in mind you’ll still need the appropriate cryptocurrency wallet for each POS system to use them.


CoinGate offers a POS mobile app. On its site, it states that “credit card companies usually charge up to 3% of the transaction amount and there are various additional fees. With CoinGate you can accept Bitcoin payments for only 1% from the transaction amount and there are no monthly, registration, or support fees.”


Customers can pay with Bitcoin and over 50 altcoins from which Coingate automatically converts into its corresponding Bitcoin value. However, merchants are given the choice to receive payouts in Bitcoins, Euros or USD.

Fast Facts

  • - 1% flat fee for processed payments
  • - Plenty of cryptocurrencies payment options for customers
  • - Payout to merchants in Bitcoin, USD or Euro

Pundi X

Pundi X states it will “empower blockchain developers and token holders to transact cryptocurrency and services at any physical store in the world.” The team has plans on rolling out between 100,000 – 700,000 units in 3 years.

Pundi X system
Pundi X system

The “crypto to crypto to fiat” method outlined in the projects whitepaper allows merchants to sell items “without the use of the VISA or Mastercard service by going directly to the cryptocurrency blockchain to record transactions.” The company then receives the transactions report and ensures that the retailer is reimbursed by fiat money.

Fast Facts

  • - Smart Card: Pay for items with “X Pass” be given a receipt
  • - Mobile Wallet: Handles private and public keys making it easy to pay with crypto
  • - Software and Hardware products for interoperability
  • - Buyers can purchase cryptocurrency at any POS device merchant location
  • - Supports BTC, ETH, ERC20 tokens, PXS, XEM, QTUM, XLM, and more
  • - Reward system to encourage users to use PXS, its native cryptocurrency
  • - Offers merchants retail intelligence through POS product use

With the contactless X Pass payment card, you can purchase day-to-day items at venues with the Pundi X POS devices. All you need to do is tap it against the POS device. You’ll also be able to buy cryptocurrency at any of the locations at its real-time value with credit cards, which will be loaded onto your cryptocurrency wallet.

Pundi X is producing a wide variety of merchant POS products to accommodate the needs of different venues. These include desktop devices, mobile devices, scanners, printers, cash machines, and more.


Graft is is a mobile app similar to Pundi X. It alows the merchant to accept both crypto and fiat.

Fast Facts

  • - Zero buyer fees, Graft only charges the merchant
  • - Instant transaction confirmation
  • - Buyers can pay with major cryptocurrencies and the Graft token (GRFT)
  • - Merchants can choose what they want to be paid in regardless of buyer payment choice
  • - Connects your crypto wallet to GRAFT wallet
  • - Extremely low fees (.01-1%) for merchants accepting the GRFT

Scenario 1: You purchase a cup of coffee with GRFT, and the merchant accepts GRFT. Virtually no fees associated with this transaction.

Scenario 2: You pay for the coffee with GRFT, but the merchant only accepts US dollars. The crypto is converted into the US dollar, but the merchant is responsible for the broker fees.

Scenario 3: You pay for coffee with Bitcoin, but the merchant only accepts US dollars.The merchant would need to pay the Bitcoin fees and the broker fees.

Scenario 4: You pay for the coffee with a credit card, but the merchant only accepts Bitcoin. The merchant would need to pay the credit card and Bitcoin fees.

There are many other scenarios that can occur with different currencies, but this should give an overview of how Graft works.


Opendime is “a small USB stick that allows you to spend Bitcoin like a dollar bill.” You can load money as many times as you want on it and anyone can check the value that’s on it. The moment you break the seal to find out the private key, it should be discarded.

Fast Facts

  • - Functions like a read-only USB flash drive
  • - Balance can be verified without internet connection
  • - Like a paper wallet but more secure
  • - Bitcoins are locked until physically unsealed, revealing private key
  • - Reliable for 25-100 years
  • - “Bitcoin in your hands” without the confirmation delays or enormous fees
  • - The company boasts that you can “give an Opendime to anyone and they don’t need to worry that you can take back the funds later”

Scenario: You want to purchase a $10,000 car. You transfer $10,000 worth of Bitcoin on an Opendime by sending the Bitcoin to its wallets address. The car dealer checks the value on the Opendime and hands you the keys to the car. The car dealer then “breaks” the Opendime to reveal the private key which is needed to clear out the funds and transfer them to another wallet.

What Can Opendimes be used for?

  • - Give it as a present, sort of like a gift card.
  • - Load it with Bitcoin (you can load it with whatever value you want) and store it like a paper wallet.
  • - Sell it for its real-time value for fiat currency, trade it for an item of equivalent value, etc.


People are mostly using cryptocurrencies to purchase other cryptocurrencies. We all know there are much more useful aspects of the blockchain, but the technology is still relatively in its infancy. What we need is the world to see crypto more as a means for day-to-day payments and less like a speculation.

The things stopping us from getting there are beyond the average person’s control, but confirmation delays and high transaction fees that plague most cryptocurrencies don’t help with the cause. It’s obvious right now that most of these digital currencies in their current form can’t handle the scalability needed to function like a Visa credit card.

Visa states it can process 56,000 transactions per second (tps). Even Ripple as one of the cryptocurrencies with the highest throughput can currently only handle 1,500 tps. In comparison, Bitcoin is limited to a rate of 7 tps.

To put these high confirmation delays and high transaction fees into perspective, the average transaction fee for BTC is currently hovering around $4 with a block confirmation time of 10 minutes, Ethereum $0.75 at 25 seconds, LTC $.23 at about 2 minutes, and XRP less than a penny with near instant payments at a fraction of a second. Visa has a fee of 1.43% – 2.4% and is near instantaneous.

Finally, if you’re looking for venues that accept crypto, download apps like CryptoFind (unfortunately currently only covers Australia) available in GooglePlay and App Store. You’ll definitely be helping bring crypto to the dream Satoshi Nakamoto envisioned.

"This above article is originally posted at"

Ad | Ocean's Self-Serve Ad Network is the new integrated advertising platform that will offer advertisers and publishers the opportunity to improve ads in an autonomous way, without the need to engage the agency or redirect traffic. The new upgradation of our Platform with various Cryptocurrencies / digital currency will allows people to transfer funds electronically.

Fast Facts

  • - Cryptocurrency transfers can be done within few hours whereas International wire transfers take several days
  • - Cryptocurrency can eliminate intermediary or correspondent banking fees


Ad Network Guide

Ad Network tool uses technology to identify the integration of each promotion campaigns, such as different advertisements and goals (like different countries and equipment, etc.). It's report tracking & analysis can help you understand which marketing channels can bring the most value.

Use to Track Conversions
  • We will provide you with a integration URL. The details of which can be found in
  • You need to copy and paste the URL and integrate it into the appropriate ad promotion.
  • The URL will direct the user to the App Store or target application.
  • If you define the callback address on the URL, the data will be sent back to you.

Receive Conversion Data

  • Ad Networks can send back to your defined endpoints in real time, which is the main method for the channel to receive conversion data. This guide will explain in detail how to set up the passback.
  • To receive backhauls, you must use our Adserver's Analytic system that can receive and interpret conversion data in real time.

Set Callback
  • Please note that our solution is very different from our competitors. We allow you to dynamically attach the passback URL to the tracking link instead of hard-coding them into our server.
  • You can manually set all the tracking links. However, to simplify the process, we strongly recommend that the system automatically detect our tracking links and attach the required return URLs.
  • You can receive postbacks for any type of event, including clicks, installs, and any in-app events that can be defined within the app.
  • If you wish to receive revenue or partner parameters (including session, installation, reattribution, and event callbacks), make sure your customers have enabled revenue sharing and partner parameter sharing.


  • We can send additional information in your return URL as GET parameters. To receive this information, you need to add placeholders in the postback of the connection; we will fill these placeholders when sending the request.
  • For example, to receive countries that click, install, reattribute (conversions from remarketing or redirect marketing ), or in-app events, embed a {country} placeholder as a parameter in your tracking system. Contains several parameters, separated by the & character:

  1. Http://{country}
  2. Http://{country}&device_id={adid}
  3. Http://{country}&device_id={adid}
  4. Http://{country}&event_id={event}

Impression Tracking

  • Adjust is for display tracking. Display data must be sent to another terminal and be attributed to different attribution patterns.
  • You must use impression trackers to track impressions. Display data sent to other terminals may be discarded.


Ads | Oceans to develop and operate the blockchain-based advertising platform

Ads | Oceans planning to develop and operate the blockchain-based advertising platform with DSP, DMP and SSP component.

Current drawbacks of broken digital advertising landscape:
  • - Over the last decade, publishers have lost approximately 60% of their revenue.
  • - In 2016, ad fraud created by bots cost advertisers $7.2 billion and $6.3 billion in 2015.
  • - 40% of the average user’s mobile data is used for ads and trackers.
  • - Users face slow page loads which consumes 21% of mobile battery life.
  • - Google and Facebook, which together claim 73% of digital ad revenue and 99% of all growth, are worsening the situation.

A new platform is needed to properly appreciate user's attention. It must reward and protect the user, while offering better conversion to advertisers and higher revenue to publishers.

  1. - Integration of smaller publishers and advertisers into the advertising trade through the use of smart contracts for ad-exchange management 
  2. - Cross-border transactions through the use of cryptocurrency as a payment instrument 
  3. - Quality control and fraud protection by maintaining itself on consensus-based curation 
 Ads | Oceans's platform with RTB will be developed on blockchain. 

The introduction of this platform will allow publishers, advertisers, and users to connect in a more efficient, transparent and decentralized marketplace that reduces fraud, violations, and malvertisements while increasing publisher ROI.

Ads | Oceans's solution to win back trust in the advertising market would bring millions of advertisers and publishers back into the game. Focus on blockchain to decentralize Real-time bidding (RTB) and thus make it fast, secure and 100% transparent.

This is the complete platform of all future projects aimed at the advertising industry. Ads | Oceans's uses a patented multi-layer blockchain technology to enable efficient execution of 100K+ transactions per second that are essential for RTB.


Ads | Oceans Platform will consists of 3 core modules:
  1. - Blockchain DSP (BDSP), 
  2. - Decentralized DMP (DDMP) and 
  3. - Smart Contract Ad Exchange (SMARTADX) 

All the modules of the platforms will be developed using a unified architecture and shared components, designs, reports and UI models. They will function within a specially crafted virtual machine, which will also be installed at facilities integrate them into our data processing engine.

The data processing engine will be based on technology of high-speed blockchain transactions that allow real-time auctions in a distributed environment. Cryptocurrency are the underlying currency for facilitating transactions on this platform. These cryptocurrency will serve as a universal payment system between publishers, advertisers, service, technology and data providers within the Platform. 

Users will have access to all platform services and can make private contracts to support auctions, data incision, traffic validation, etc.


Transition to mobile payment - impact on Mobile Ad Network

The rapid development of mobile technology, smart phones, mobile payment has penetrated all corners of the world. Mobile users increasingly use the smartphone to buy online, preferably an Apple and Android. Mobile payment platforms allow people to make payments, transfer money and manage their finances anytime, anywhere.

In mid-2015, 36% of global mobile payments at e-commerce sites are made on iPhone. Note that this index does not take into account mobile "in-app" payments. According to studies, the mobile share of online payments on mobile Internet sites increased from 27.2% in the first quarter of 2015 to 28.7% in the second quarter. In terms of volume of transactions, smartphones dominate to a large extent and confirm their first place, moving from 61.8% of mobile transactions in the first quarter of 2015 to 64.1% in the second quarter.

In retail, purchases of physical goods (ready-made, furniture, appliances and food) are growing in mobile phones. Purchases of video games, subscription to a service or hotel reservations and ticket sales are made by 26%, compared to 21% at the beginning of the year, in smartphones.

Europe tops mobile shopping -
Geographically, Europe continues to lead mobile purchases (30.4%), followed by North America (26.7%) and Asia (21.4%). It should be noted that all these regions saw the share of mobile payments increase by about one percentage point compared to the previous quarter.  Within the Europe zone, the UK remains the leader with 44.8% of mobile online payments, ahead of the Netherlands (32.9%) and Spain (28.3%) and Germany (23.6%).

Huge potential even in developing countries:
Total transactions in T-mall in China during 2015 amounted to US $ 14.34 billion, of which 68.67% were completed through mobile payment. With these success stories in the online payment market, launched its own Alipay mobile payment wallet; while Tencent, a successful provider of social networking services, launched WeChat mobile wallet.

Compared with PC-based online payment, mobile payment allows users to perform payment transactions at any time and from any location with the help of mobile networks and terminals. Mobile devices have several limitations, such as small screens, low processing capacity and inconvenient input. But overall trust is crucial to counteract uncertain situations, encourage future transactions and develop successful long-term relationships.

Mobile payment user's Perspective of trust -
This theory includes trust in the source, trust in the target and source-objective relationships as the core components of the trust transfer process. Based on the theory of trust transfer, this study proposes that trust in online payment (i.e., trust in the source) and two source-target relationship factors, i.e. perceived similarity and entitativity, affect trust in the mobile payment (i.e., trust in target). In turn, the resulting trust influences the user's satisfaction and the intention to continue towards mobile payment in a context of online-mobile payment.

Study Investigation -
As the leading electronic payment platform in China, was chosen for research. Initially launched in 2004, offers users an online platform, which was upgraded to Alipay Mobile Wallet in 2013. By the end of June 2015, Alipay had attracted more than 400 million unique active users. A total of 219 responses were taken for data analysis. Among these respondents, 43.4% men and 56.6% women, more than 85% were between 20 and 29 years old, more than 82% had a bachelor's degree or higher, 70% had more than five years of experience in the use of mobile phones to surf the Internet, and approximately 60% I had more than two years of experience using Alipay Mobile Wallet.

Study Results -
This study also offers several practical implications.

  • - Trust in online payment has a significant influence on trust in mobile payment. This finding suggests that reputable online service providers can improve their mobile extension by leveraging on their user's previous trust in online services.
  • - The finding indicated that if users are satisfied with mobile payment, they tend to use the service frequently.

Download research from

Finally, it should be noted that, mobile payment online is progressing and occupying an increasingly important place, as a means of payment in stores. With the relationship between mobile ads and mobile payments becoming more pronounced and more important in recent years, it is not surprising that mobile Ad Networks are beginning to take seriously the potential of mobile payments to increase their reach and impact on mobile advertising market.


What are the various Ad Network platforms to drive mobile app downloads?

There are dozens of AD Network Platforms which can drive your mobile app downloads. Generally they are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Social media like Facebook can be a great platform to drive app downloads.  But if you use the incorrect format, it can also be highly ineffective. An ad format that has proven to be really effective with CPI (Cost Per Installation) campaigns on social media are AD games. This is because it increase engagement x8 and decrease your CPC (Cost Per Click) by 70%. With AD games you can reach your target audience in a cool and playful way and they drive a lot more engagement than for example static or dynamic banner ads, full screen ads or video ads.
  2. Platforms which helps to set up and manage your CPI (Cost Per Installation) campaign by your own. If you have experience in promoting your app, you to choose the first category of ad platforms. The best way would be to start with few self-serve platforms and compare their results.
  3. Managed platforms like affiliate Ad Networks where managers will make all the settings and optimisations by themselves. Sometimes it is easier to give everything into professional hands. In case of third variant, you will not only save your time and money, but also receive access to bigger amount of traffic sources. Account managers of such AD Networks already know how to reach your audience. Before launching the Ad campaigns with Ad network, make sure that you provided them with all necessary information like your KPI's (Key Performance Indicators), ROI (Return On Investment) definitions, restrictions and total budget. 


Blockchain - It's use in Ad Network Industry

Blockchain: In Ad Network industry use case?

During the era of early advertising, the purchase and sale of advertising space was a tedious and time-consuming, almost without transparency. The negotiations between advertisers and publishers took hours to be finalized. Then came the programmatic purchase that revolutionize the industry. It brought automation combined with real-time offers through which advertisers had access to a large pool of advertising space at the best possible price. Few limits of programmatic buying that Blockchain can fight are:

1. Increased online fraud: the most commonly used metric to measure the effectiveness of an online advertising campaign is the counting of clicks, views and likes. But some of the industry's most famous minds have begun using Bots that replicate human behavior and provide false clicks and views. For this reason it is almost impossible for advertisers to analyze the performance of their campaign and end up losing huge amounts of money.

2. Ads irrelevant to the public: it is not enough to buy the advertising space and serve the campaign. Ads must be shown to the right people at the right time. Program purchases do not always guarantee that ads are targeted to the desired audience. Users are being flooded with unwanted ads, resulting in frustration in countering which install ad blocking software.

Blockchain allows you to share content in a chain of nodes and to conclude secure purchases in just a few steps

Blockchain Overview
It’s use came across a couple of times is where you can see the blockchain as a sort of Ledger. This comparison is not entirely correct, because the accountants know that a ledger always contains debt and credit that must be in balance. The spreadsheet is, where each transaction is added to the bottom of a new row.
The term register, however, seems to be the most appropriate. Furthermore, it is often explained that the blockchain contains the registration of a transaction. So something goes from one owner to another, in other words. In practice, the application is mainly cyptocurrency. Thus the blockchain principle could be described as a "register in which transactions are recorded".

How does it work?
Keeping in mind what is the current operation of your bank account. The bank records the transactions on your bank account. Automatically the bank knows the balance on your account. The bank therefore has the function of validating and trusting party, that you actually have the balance if you want to make a transaction. The only point is that your bank account (i.e. the register with your transactions and the balance you have) is only transparent for you and the bank.
Blockchain is a public register. In other words, everyone in the system can see your mutations. However, they do not see your name and bank account number because all data is displayed with long codes of numbers and letters (see example below). However, your "wallet" (digital wallet) is linked to these codes. To simplify your business, you can create a QR code from a code on your wallet, so you can easily scan to perform a transaction.

Below you can see a cryptocurrency transaction, which is registered in the blockchain:

The innovative aspect of this system is that the transfer of ownership can take place digitally and that is clear to everyone. So a money transaction is not only visible to you and the bank. You can simply open and view the transactions above, as shown in the image. Moreover, it is no longer the bank that validates a transaction in the blockchain, but the system itself does this. The system can determine that you are actually the owner of a cryptocurrency (in this case), because it came to you once. The system thus assumes the function of the bank.

It is important to realize that you start with transactions, always preceded by a starting point. In other words, how do cryptocurrencies enter the system to be able to transact? This is done by "mining". This means that programmers, or perhaps very intelligent software, create Cryptocurrencies that cost time, energy, and computational power of computers. Every "miner" who created a cryptocurrency sells it to a party that wants to buy it. This transaction is partly in current currencies, with supply and demand that determine the price. But the buyer can therefore get rid of working with his Cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency blockchain
The term blockchain isn’t limited to a single use case of cryptocurrency. It is also not an actual store of value but the accounting and transacting of value.

Fraud Protection
Blockchain is a so-called peer-to-peer network. This means that transactions all over the world are on various databases. This forms a decentralized computer network. This makes it already difficult to manipulate it. Furthermore, transactions are stored in so-called "blocks". These blocks contain cryptographic codes based on data in the transaction. Of all the transactions in a block code, the codes are recreated and these then form the block header. If a block is "full", a new block is created, starting from the header of the previous one. In other words, a historical transaction can never be manipulated again, because then the blocking headers will go. And everyone in the system can therefore see.

Blockchain and Ad Network:
Monetization: Decent content distribution platform had announced the launch of Publiq, a rewarding system that allows writers and content creators to distribute content on the blockchain and be paid in real time.

Advanced TV: A technology created by Comcast's advertising division allows brands to purchase  TV advertising using the blockchain. The group, plans to allow advertisers, publishers and program creators to share data without the obligation to store them a specific place.

Frauds: in June MetaX and the Data & Marketing Association launched adChain, an open protocol on the Ethereum blockchain that tags an online advertising and follows the course in the network to see who benefits from it, to understand who saw it and what the subsequent actions. As in the case of Comcast, the protocol is open to various subjects in the value chain of advertising, from the agency to the publisher to the advertiser, able to work simultaneously on the data collected but independently from one another.

MetaX also uses an adChain registry for the use of adToken cryptocurrency that encourages people to judge publishers' trustworthiness, thus allowing brands to spend money only on publishers who have returned to the reliable category.

Ad buying: The New York Interactive Advertising Exchange, a marketplace for buying and selling advertising, will be launched soon. The idea is to make the execution of contracts automatic until the agreed conditions have been met. In the launch phase, the marketplace, intended for brands and publishers, will be reserved for digital advertising.

The future
It is hard to say where it's going. It is true that many and large parts are already working on applications. In addition, the tools will become simpler with the application of blockchain technology. The most obvious, for example, is the use of apps in which transactions can be performed, without seeing the technological effect in the background.